You escaped your cell but it is located in a dungeon and, with your "powers" of resizing, escape it, but first, he has to face an opponent...

Move with Arrow Keys

Press [R] if you are stuck

If you only want to play the boss battle, press [B]

(That is the best description I ever made in my life)

PROJECT MADE WITH: ExtremTheDeveloper


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Very cool concept, I think it needs to be improved, like by adding some more mechanincs, and by moving the centre of the mouse pointer (you can do it with turbowarp packager). Also I dsiliked the missing of a coyote time, the first frame you are on top of a spike you die. This is easily solvable by changing the order of the scripts: first it detects if the buttons are pressed and it moves, then it checks if he collided with the spikes.

interesting but it need some kind of better feedback than pictures for the player (for example on the second snapshot i don't know what to do)

It is a hint that something similar to that in the map activated a portal

This was a blast to make with you bro! I hope to do more game jams and games in general with you in the future!


Sick Game